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Wednesday 18 December 2013

Messi's father says on the Colombian connection

Although the Ministry of Interior and the Civil Guard were quick to disassociate Jorge Messi the ' Firmament ' operation , the newspaper El Mundo published Tuesday that the father of the Argentine striker of FC Barcelona will have to testify before agents the Central Operational Unit of the Civil Guard (UCO ) as soon as possible .

'The World ' put in the spotlight to point out to Jorge Messi suspicion of " drug money laundering " through massive ticket Row 0 in friendly matches with charitable status that Leo has played with ' The Friends of Messi ' in South America.

So far, the investigations have resulted in four people arrested over a dozen suspects, but the investigation remains open and, according to El Mundo , Jorge Messi will make statements to the agents of the Central Operational Unit of the Civil Guard (UCO ) when he returns from Argentina , where he is to spend Christmas . This statement clarifies the newspaper, and was planned long initiative of UCO agents themselves, but Jorge Messi 's stay in Rosario ( Argentina ) has postponed until you return .

Ensures ' El Mundo ' the statement of the father of Barcelona player " is needed to clarify his alleged contacts with the network of laundering of drug trafficking and dismantled , that is, with the Colombian connection , whose money has been washing in the many events investigated " .

The newspaper adds that his statement of evidence of criminal conduct arising and no reason to impute , Jorge Messi also be subpoenaed to testify in court that instructs the proceedings.

The case is under a gag order in the Court of Instruction number 51 of Madrid , headed by Eduardo López- Palop, the same case that deals with the Madrid Arena.

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